Regents Review Summer 2019-20

The Regents Review Summer 2020


PSHE & Careers

Investor in Careers Award

Regents Park gains Super User status on Career Pilot for 3 years running! is-your-school-college-ready-to-be-a-super-user/ schools-colleges-that-have-achieved-super-user- status-2019-20 We are proud to announce that our students are super users of the Careers Pilot website for the third year in a row! In order to meet the criteria, we have promoted the careers resource among students and parents and have over 100 students signed up and active. If you haven’t already used their excellent information and tools for 11-19 year olds, you can do so here: uk/ and for further careers information from Regents Park, please see our careers pages: curriculum/careers/

Regents Park Community College has become the first school in Southampton to be awarded with the prestigious ‘Investor in Careers Award’, demonstrating their commitment to high quality careersmeducation, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG). This achievement is recognition of raising aspirations of all students and giving them the opportunity to meet those aspirations through diverse and well-organised careers activities.

Careers Resources for Year 10 As the Year 10s come ever closer to entering their final year of school, they should be researching and planning which route they would like to take when they leave Regents Park. This might be attending college full-time to take A-Levels and / or technical / vocational / applied qualifications or they might prefer a work-based apprenticeship or traineeship.

Besides the one-to-one careers appointments that all of our Year 10 students will be provided with in the Autumn, we have also added a variety of careers resources on the Year 10 team Google Classroom. This is so that they can explore these different routes and post-16 providers, as well as the careers these might lead to. Currently there are a number of videos and links to college websites and there will be an accompanying Loom video, guiding the students on how to research. From September onwards, there will be more focus on different areas of work in

industries such as IT, construction, healthcare and more. We recently completed a survey amongst the year group which has given us an indication of what we should cover, but any further suggestions would be welcomed so that the careers education, information, advice and guidance is as personal as possible. The websites listed on the careers section of the school website are also great starting points. Happy researching! Google Classroom Code: pbhxhbw


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