Regents Review Summer 2019-20
The Regents Review Summer 2020
Year 10 Maths It has been excellent to see Year 10 working so hard with online programmes and virtual learning to maintain their ability, in preparation for their Year 11 GCSE’s. The overwhelming majority of the year group have engaged in this and it has been amazing to post leaderboards each week to celebrate their success. Also, a huge congratulations to Kacper - Year 10 who actually got tweeted by PIXL for being the most engaged student in the country! A remarkable achievement! Well done to all students below and we cannot wait to get you back in to classrooms in September, have an amazing summer!
Socially Distanced Maths Lessons It was great to finally welcome some of our Year 10 students back in to school on 1st July for some socially distanced Maths lessons.
MathsWatch Leaderboard Year 10 Overall Mathswatch Leaderboard (based on questions answered)
Ella - Year 10 Owen - Year Sophie - Year 10 Maria- Year 10 Phoebe- Year 10
PiXL Maths Leaderboard Kacper - Year 10
Sabir - Year 10 Tabbi - Year 10 Ammar - Year 10 Emma - Year 10
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