4. Leadership & Management

Head of Year meetings are held regularly throughout the year. The meetings provide the forum for HOYs to meet together with the Assistant Headteacher. The forum has the responsibility to evaluate students’ behaviour, well-being and safety to inform professional development, share good practice and to agree and action decisive interventions to improve the quality of students’ behaviour, well-being and safety with particular regard to attitudes to learning. Curriculum Area Meetings - Objectives are decided and strategies planned in this forum. They may also be briefing sessions. The Curriculum Leader/ Subject Leader will disseminate information from the Curriculum Leaders’ meeting seeking strategies for improvements and policies. The core activity is to monitor and evaluate standards including the moderation of students’ work against published grade and level criteria and for planned professional development which is shared and evaluated. The meetings are an aspect of the Middle Leader’s monitoring of the effectiveness of the area and will also encompass analysis of data / work sampling / teachers’ planner reviews as tools to improve the quality of learning and teaching and the service of the support staff. Heads of Year - The main functions are the dissemination of information, ensuring an understanding of the scheme of work / strategies linked to PSHE to fulfil developments, procedures and policies and the seeking of feedback from tutors and attached staff. Daily Staff Briefing - All staff meet virtually three days per week at 8.20 am for a briefing. One of the staff briefings is dedicated to teaching and learning and is led by the T&L team. One day per week briefings are held for the HOYs, another by Curriculum Leaders with their teams and one is a learning briefing. The Finance & Business Support Team meet monthly for 15 minutes. Curriculum Area meetings; Curriculum Leaders are responsible for the circulation of their agendas to LT link and their team members in advance of the meeting.

Copies of the notes of meetings are to be circulated to the LT link within one week of the meeting.

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