4. Leadership & Management
Annex 1: Flowchart for child protection procedures
DS.L -Desgllated safeguardIng fead MASIH- Multl-ag@ncy safeguarding hub C1P -Chlld Protection
Child I
C.OOslstent elqltaratiCCI
PhycaJ in]Lll\'. neglect
D:isdosure or
AJ Iegatioll.ag ai.n5t staff member or
or minor :accident
or em.otlonal:abuse
.atteg.alionof sexual
s T A F
Keep aa:ura.te records:and alloJlgllillhandW ittefl
S!l!flous Incident or recurrent episodesOJ Inc.t
Give reaSSW"ance. !Wold !le.ading ql.lesliOns and do not pro.m
Recocd itlce date, t me,observations,what was said,whowas present. Use the 4Ws. skin map to recordvisible injuries.NB.This is recorded by the first personthe c:lhildspeaks to as soon
• ..
as possible alter tihe event andwithin24 hounafter the event I Refermthe DSLas Inan emergency r- If tfle 1!)51.. isn't ca l for medical soon aStPJactlc.alCCI f-.-
lnfoJmthehe.ad te.ad!er of the :allegat o.n. l.nfo m DSL f HIT oot :avaJiable. Ef al.leflatlon i.:s e:oncernl 'll!l lilehead teaCher. and tfie.head teacher Is lhe DSL then filiform IAOO CCI 02380 915535
availal>le thencontact
lfle same da!f as the
the deputy DSL. .
a legatioll
. I . HT/DSL illforms.LADO.and between them a8ree wbo Will illform the nominated pemor on dle sa.me d:av of dle alleg.alion, and next steps
The D.SL will make a judgement about the situatlion and either:-
D s
Wort withhe
Marm:u tile lltuhan witlh infD. 110 recanl
C.ontadPolice and MASH. Discuss the infocmation.await advke,Follow upwih refenal form with n .24 hours.Clearl'y record decisions taken and reasons for them inschool records
family through the early help process
• DSL to Inform lho:se that need to know llls MASHwill ;atfler further inrormatian.make a del:!ision and communicate Is aJiocated for .a s.ment • FoiJow polic.eadtMe 01 irlstroctloos if issued with llhe school If the disclosure is related to Extremism/ radicalisation concerns then the local Prevent referral pathway will be followed as set out in the guidance for safeguarding policies for education settings October 2020. The Prevent referral pathway is being updated and the new pathway will be issued on 4th January 2021 to be implemented with immediate effect. An addendum process will be provided on 4th January 2021 and should be followed immediately. 22
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