4. Leadership & Management
• Encouraging others to engage in inappropriate / criminal/extortion activities • Forcing or encouraging others to make delivery of unknown or known items and use of threats • Grooming others to act on their behalf or in a manner that is criminal for reward Radicalisation • Promoting extremist ideology including sharing of information to others digitally or in hard copy Important note : All young people Under 18 are considered as children first and in our school the management of allegations between pupils, or of a pupil will always ensure that history and context are included in decision making together with other relevant agencies. Procedure:- • When an allegation is made by a pupil against another student, members of staff should consider whether a pupil is at immediate risk of harm, or the information raises a safeguarding concern, sometimes this will, with known contextual information, be beyond the information shared. If there is a risk of immediate harm to either pupil/s or safeguarding concern the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) should be informed, if not school behaviour policy procedures may be more appropriate. • A factual record should be made of the allegation, but no attempt at this stage should be made to investigate the circumstances. • The DSL should contact the multi-agency safeguarding hub and/ or police to discuss the case. • A CPI form might be completed if relevant to the individual situation. • The DSL will follow through the outcomes of the discussion and make a referral where appropriate • If the allegation indicates that a potential criminal offence has taken place, once referred to the multi-agency agency safeguarding hub, the police will become involved • Parents, of both the student being complained about and the alleged victim, should be informed and kept updated on the progress of the referral (unless advised by the police to not do so) • The DSL will make a record of the concern, the discussion and any outcome and keep a copy in the files of both pupils’ files • It may be appropriate to rearrange educational provision for the pupil the allegation has been made about for a period of time according to the school’s behaviour policy and procedures, but this will be made on an individual basis in context and proportionate to the allegation made. • Where neither social services nor the police accept the allegation or complaint, a thorough school investigation should take place into the matter using the school’s usual disciplinary procedures • In situations where the school considers a safeguarding risk is present, a risk assessment should be prepared along with a preventative, and if necessary and proportionate supervision plan • The plan should be monitored, and a date set for a follow-up evaluation including
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