4. Leadership & Management
24. The deputy DSL are: Mrs S Barnes, Ms M Webster, Ms N Reed, Mr P Jones, Mr R Ramshaw and Miss C Amos 25. There is a nominated governor, Mr I Fielder, who will receive reports of allegations against the head teacher and act on the behalf of the governing body to monitor safeguarding with governor colleagues. 26. As a secondary without child care provision, we recognise but do not need to apply the guidance under the “Disqualification under the childcare act 2006” guidance issued in 2018. (if your school or staff working within your school are impacted by this guidance, i.e. working with pupils under 8 in before and after school care, or working with under 5’s- Year R). Training 27. All staff in our school are expected to be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and must be able to respond appropriately. Training is provided every year for all staff, with separate training to all new staff on post commencement. All staff sign to the policy annually to acknowledge they have attended/read and understood the training. All staff understand this holds them accountable to ensuring they follow appropriate policy and procedures within our school and that it is their responsibility to ask for advice or clarification if unsure about any safeguarding related issue. The DSL will attend training that is DSL role specific every two years as a minimum, with regular updates to enable them to fulfill their role, through attendance at SCC DSL networks or by other means. Completion of courses in our safeguarding training suite. Any update in national or local guidance will be shared with all staff in briefings and then captured in the next whole school training session. Additionally, the safeguarding training suite and units contained within are updated at least annually to reflect national changes, staff will also receive regular emails with updates during the year and safeguarding guidance as needed. This policy will be updated during the year to reflect any changes brought about by new guidance. 28. Training for all staff includes: • Prevent awareness training from the Home Office to understand the risks around radicalisation and vulnerability • on-line safety for protecting children from on-line harm and cyber-bullying • Information and examples to develop all staff members understanding of different types of abuse and also issues such as Child Criminal Exploitation, Child sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and harassment between children, use of reasonable force. Additional aspects are covered in our wider safeguarding policy (which should be read alongside this document) such as health and safety, first aid, intimate care, child employment and performance https://www.regentsparkcollege.org.uk/assets/Uploads/Keeping- Children-Safe-in-Education-2020.pdf • statutory reporting duties for Female Genital Mutilation • Children Missing Education understanding and reporting
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