1. General Information
Staff Absence/Cover Request Procedures It is up to each member of staff to ensure they have submitted a Leave of Absence form [LOA], including for internal activities and that the absence has been authorised prior to making any arrangements - whether they require cover or not. Members of staff are not authorised to leave the site during the working day nor attend an off-site activity/training without a LOA which has been approved and returned to them. If you have not received a response to a submitted LOA by the day before your requested date please speak to the Cover Manager/Head’s PA to ascertain if authorisation has been granted Planned absence/requests for absence [including CPD – the LOA form is part of the application pack] Teaching Staff Please submit a completed Leave of Absence [LOA] form as far ahead as possible [with at least one week’s notice] to the Headteacher. Please note requests maybe discussed with the member of staff’s line manager/LT Link and the HR Team. If the request is agreed the member of staff must inform their line manager of their absence and adequate work must be set for all classes. Support Staff Please submit a completed Leave of Absence [LOA] form as far ahead as possible [with at least one week’s notice] to the Headteacher. Please note requests maybe discussed with the member of staff’s line manager and the HR Team. If the request is agreed the member of staff must inform their line manager of their absence. Teaching Staff availability during M&L periods If you have any specific internal arrangements, for example a meeting with the Headteacher, interview with a parent, visiting Inspector/advisor or examination moderator, please request permission on a LOA form. If you need to leave the premises during M&L periods, please ask permission from the Deputy Head/Business Manager, sign out when you leave and sign back in when you return. This is an important Health & Safety requirement and must be adhered to by all staff. There may be extenuating circumstances when staff are required at short notice. Staff leaving the Site during the working day. If you need to leave the school premises during the working day please ask permission from the Deputy Head/Business Manager and sign out when you leave, and in when you return. This is an important Health & Safety
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