1. General Information
Section 1 – General
Site Opening and Daily Times
School Term, PDD and Holiday Dates
Site Plan
The Governing Body
Regents Park Community College Staff
Staff Absence Procedures
Employees Code of Conduct
Equalities Statement
General Responsibilities of Staff Members
10 Whistle-blowing Policy
11 Security of Personal Items
12 Borrowing & Hiring of School Equipment
13 Staff Recreational Facilities
14 School Communication Procedure
15 MIDAS Drivers
16 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021
17. Leave Protocol
Site Opening
School reception is staffed from 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday
● The school site is open for staff from 6:45am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday. Anyone wishing to stay out of these hours, must contact duty caretaker as a prior arrangement. ● Staff members are requested to leave with enough time to enable the duty premises staff member to lock and secure the school site. ● After 6.00pm, and on Saturday and Sunday, the school site is accessible for lettings only. ● If there are lettings on a particular evening, school staff may arrange to stay on site later in a designated area in the main block after seeking the agreement of the Headteacher, Business Manager or Facilities Manager, where such agreement has been granted, school staff must contact the duty premises staff member. ● If staff are running an after school club, please ensure that a register is taken and returned to school reception including student’s full names, location and time the club will finish in line with the school’s fire and safeguarding procedures .
Professional Development Days
Thursday 2nd September 2021
Friday 3rd September 2021
Friday 22nd October 2021
Friday 17th December 2021
Friday 22nd July 2022
Term and Holiday Dates 2021-2022
Autumn Term 2021 INSET Day 1: Thursday 2nd September 2021 INSET Day 2: Friday 3 rd September 2021
Term starts: Year 7 students only : Monday 6th September 2021 Term starts: Whole school returns : Tuesday 7th September 2021 INSET Day 3: Friday 22nd October 2021 Half Term: Monday 25 th October 2021 – Friday 29 th October 2021
Term Ends: Thursday 16 th December 2021 INSET Day 4: Friday 17 th December 2021
Spring Term 2022 Term starts: Tuesday 4th January 2022 Half Term: Monday 21st February 2022 – Friday 25 th February 2022 Term Ends: Friday 8th April 2022 Summer Term 2022 Term Starts: Monday 25th April 2022 Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May 2022 Half Term: Monday 30 th May 2022 – Friday 3 rd June 2022
INSET Day 5: Friday 22 nd July 2022 Term Ends: Friday 22 nd July 2022
Governing Body – Committee Membership 2021-2022
Governor Category
Responsibility Chair of Governors
Start Date 25.04.2016
David Davenport
Samantha Barnes
Ian Fielder
Safeguarding Governor
Jon Greenacre
Vice Chair
CPD Link
Nihad Moussa
Paul Swindale
SDP Link
Daryl Moth
Governors Review Link
Lakbir Singh
Careers / Neets / PSHE Link
Trust / Foundation
Nicola Iverson
[To be agreed]
Trust / Foundation
Gemma Stafford
SEND / Inclusion
Annie Smith
[To be agreed]
Marie Webster
Associate [Staff]
Associate [Staff]
Carlene Amos
Staff List – Autumn Term 2021
Teaching Staff Curriculum Area
TT Code
Mrs Samantha Barnes
SBA Headteacher
Ms Marie Webster
MWE Deputy Headteacher
Mr Phil Jones PJ Assistant Headteacher Mr Ricardo Ramshaw RR Assistant Headteacher Miss Natalie Reed NR Assistant Headteacher Mr David Strange DS
Extended Leadership / Director of Inclusion / Lead DSL
English & Literacy
Mr Adam Lucas Mrs Jennifer Moth Mrs Liz Cosford Miss Emma Grassie Miss Gillian Donovan Miss Jasmine Fison Miss Katie Smith Mr Jack Walker
AL Head of English / Media JLM Assistant Curriculum Leader – Maternity Leave
EG Head of Year 11
KS Subject Lead: Media
Mathematics & Numeracy
Mrs Laura Lomer
Curriculum Leader
Mr Darlynton Odum Mr Daniel Gates Mrs Beverley Morrissey
DO Assistant Curriculum Leader
DG Head of Year 7 BM Unqualified teacher
Miss Greta Birch GM Miss Karina Chegwidden KCH Miss Charlie Davenport
Science & Related Areas Mr Daryl Moth
DM Curriculum Leader GRK Assistant Curriculum Leader
Mr Kevin Grainey Mr Simon Ashworth Mrs Amy Cooper [pt] Mr Oliver Timmis Mr Phil Muller [pt] Miss Poppy Rendall
Miss Phoebe West
PWE Subject Lead: Sociology
Mrs Karen Blake
CCA Curriculum Leader:Social Sciences
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Staff List – Autumn Term 2021
Teaching Staff Curriculum Area
Miss Rachael Murphy Mr Gareth Sadler
Mrs Karen Blake
Curriculum Leader: Social Sciences
Mrs Charlotte Smith [pt]
CD1 Careers Co-ordinator [Maternity Leave] KOB Assistant Curriculum Leader: Social Sciences
Mrs Kirsty O’Brien
Miss Natalie Harrison
Mr Trevor Pine
TP Subject Lead: RE
Miss Emily Gilbert-Twigg EGT
Mrs Emma Northfield Mrs Vanessa Loubier Mrs Lisa Mouland Mrs Rachel Sturdy Mr Matthew Branford Mr Simon Sinclair Mrs Karen Anibaba [pt] Mr Andrew Stone Mr Tom Makepeace Miss Rain Robinson
EK Curriculum Leader VLP Assistant Curriculum Leader
LMO Maternity Leave
Physical Education
MB Curriculum Leader SSR Head of Year 8
AS Head of Year 10
Mrs Nihad Moussa [pt]
Curriculum Leader: Business Studies, Computer Science and ICT
Mr Christopher Selfe
Creative Arts & Technology
Mrs Hazel Freeman
Curriculum Leader Project Post: BTEC Quality Nominee Assistant Curriculum Leader: Creative Arts
Mr Glenn Barron
Mrs Cheryl Selfe Mrs Elizabeth Bishop Mr Peter Winson Mrs Susan Fishlock [pt] Mrs Jessica Timmis Mrs Kellie Stanness Witcher
Head of Year 9
PW PSHE Co-ordinator
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Staff List – Autumn Term 2021
Support Staff
Mrs Fiona Hayward
Headteacher’s PA
Finance & Business Support
Miss Carlene Amos
Business Manager
Mrs Charlotte Aldworth
Finance & Business Support - Reprographics Finance & Business Support – Senior Administrator Finance & Business Support – Admin [website] Finance Officer Finance & Business Support – Reception Finance & Business Support – Student Welfare
Mrs Kate Heath
Mrs Rachael Mansbridge Miss Francesca Lovato
Ms Manpreet Kaur Mrs Paula Simmons
Mr Bob McArthur Mr Paul Bemment Mr Daniel Finnegan Mr Gary Barnett
Facilities Manager ICT Network Manager
ICT Technician
Mr Tony Dunn Mr Glenn Cooper Miss Whitney Giles Mr Alain Brumby Ms Moreen [Mo] Welch Mr Michael [Mikey] Elgar Mrs Francine Lovato
Assistant Caretaker Assistant Caretaker Cleaning Supervisor
Cleaner Cleaner Cleaner Cleaner
Mrs Kim Harris Cleaner Miss Anne-Louise Durand Cleaner
Learning Support / Inclusion Support Assistants
Mrs Teresa Corrigan
SENCo Support Assistant
Mrs Kalisha Mochon-Wojdyla LSA Mrs Jennifer Cooper LSA Mrs Asma Khan LSA Mrs Julie Barlow LSA Mrs Milena Traballoni LSA Miss Josephine Tingey LSA
Behaviour Support Worker
Mrs Alison Saunders
Behaviour Support Worker [IE]
Arbor Lodge
Charmaine Moth Mrs Toni Wareham Ms Chetana Greenwood
AP Provision Support Behaviour Support Worker
LSA [fixed term]
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Staff List – Autumn Term 2021
Study Supervision
Mrs Natasha Ballard Miss Rebecca Norris
Study Supervisor Study Supervisor Study Supervisor Study Supervisor
Mrs Kimberley Osborne [pt] Miss Samantha Baillie
Data & Examinations Mr John Bilcliff Technicians & General Assistants Mrs Beryl Rundle
Senior Science Technician
Mrs Joanna Thompson [pt] Mrs Kathryn O’Donoghue
General Assistant
Design Technology / Science Technician
Library Co-ordinator Mrs Natasha Highmore [pt]
Wednesday - Thursday
Mrs Katie Bradley [pt]
Student Support
Mrs Dawn Blakely Miss Kelly Moore Mrs Lorraine Jarvis
Head of Year Support [7] Head of Year Support [8 & 9] Head of Year Support [10 & 11] Head of Year Support - Attendance
Mrs Di Reed
Lunchtime Supervisory Staff
Mrs Charlotte Aldworth
Senior Supervisory Assistant
Miss Zira Marsh
Supervisory Assistant [fixed term]
Clerk to Governing Body
Mrs Natalie Miller
Q:\Francesca Lovato\Staff Handbook 2021-22\Word Versions\1. General Information\5. Regents Park Community College Staff.doc
Staff Absence Procedures
All staff, except morning cleaning staff , are to telephone Regents Park anytime before 7:15am on the day of absence . Please call the following mobile phone no 07989 703839 and leave a message with a contact telephone number. The message must be left by the member of staff concerned. The Business Manager may then call the member of staff back to clarify reason for absence and expected timescale. Cleaning staff due to commence their shifts at 6.30am should call the Cleaning Supervisor on the school number 023 8072 5714. Afternoon cleaning staff should also call the school number 023 8072 5714 and speak to the Cleaning Supervisor. Please note it is not acceptable to text/telephone/email a colleague asking them to pass on a message. The employee must contact Regents Park themselves by telephone with the reason for the absence and expected duration of the absence. He or she should also contact their line manager with work arrangements and also email cover work to coverwork@rpcc.onmicrosoft.com. Teaching staff are to set adequate work for the assigned classes to progress; the work should include clear instructions so that the students can be guided by staff appropriately, and should not include any practical lessons. Please see the cover guidance in section 2. Staff must ring the school each day of their absence either until they return or a doctor’s certificate is received by the school. A doctor's certificate is required after an absence of six working days [including Saturdays]. This should be forwarded either by post or emailed to the Headteacher or Business Manager on receipt. On returning to work you are to confirm your return with either the Business Manager or Head’s PA (HR Team), prior to recommencing work, when arrangements will be made for your return to work interview with one of the HR Team. After 5 separate occasions, or 10 days absence, a formal review meeting is held with the Business Manager. It is usual for all absence of 20+ days and for periods of repeated absence to be referred to OHU for advice.
Staff Absence/Cover Request Procedures It is up to each member of staff to ensure they have submitted a Leave of Absence form [LOA], including for internal activities and that the absence has been authorised prior to making any arrangements - whether they require cover or not. Members of staff are not authorised to leave the site during the working day nor attend an off-site activity/training without a LOA which has been approved and returned to them. If you have not received a response to a submitted LOA by the day before your requested date please speak to the Cover Manager/Head’s PA to ascertain if authorisation has been granted Planned absence/requests for absence [including CPD – the LOA form is part of the application pack] Teaching Staff Please submit a completed Leave of Absence [LOA] form as far ahead as possible [with at least one week’s notice] to the Headteacher. Please note requests maybe discussed with the member of staff’s line manager/LT Link and the HR Team. If the request is agreed the member of staff must inform their line manager of their absence and adequate work must be set for all classes. Support Staff Please submit a completed Leave of Absence [LOA] form as far ahead as possible [with at least one week’s notice] to the Headteacher. Please note requests maybe discussed with the member of staff’s line manager and the HR Team. If the request is agreed the member of staff must inform their line manager of their absence. Teaching Staff availability during M&L periods If you have any specific internal arrangements, for example a meeting with the Headteacher, interview with a parent, visiting Inspector/advisor or examination moderator, please request permission on a LOA form. If you need to leave the premises during M&L periods, please ask permission from the Deputy Head/Business Manager, sign out when you leave and sign back in when you return. This is an important Health & Safety requirement and must be adhered to by all staff. There may be extenuating circumstances when staff are required at short notice. Staff leaving the Site during the working day. If you need to leave the school premises during the working day please ask permission from the Deputy Head/Business Manager and sign out when you leave, and in when you return. This is an important Health & Safety
requirement and must be adhered to by all staff. There may be occasions when staff are required at short notice. Likewise, it is important that you adhere to the Health & Safety requirement of signing in and out when leaving and returning to the site at lunch and break- time. NB ‘Smoking’ breaks are not permissible. Lesson Cover Information Once cover has been arranged for teaching staff, the Cover Manager will pass details of cover arrangements to the Headteacher’s PA and arrange for an email to be sent to all staff prior to 8.30am each school day. Individual cover slips will be distributed each morning. Study Supervisors must check SIMs for arrangements of lessons.
Regents Park Community College
Code of Conduct for Support Staff
Policy updated: September 2021 Policy ratified at Governors Meeting: September 2021 Policy signed by Chair of Governors: Chair of Governors Policy to be reviewed: September 2022 Statutory
1. Policy Statement
The principles of the Code of Conduct will encourage the highest standards of integrity and personal conduct on the part of all employees, workers and volunteers in school. Anyone representing the school in their work is required to promote and maintain these standards in order to uphold the good reputation of the school. (Any reference to employees in this Code includes workers and volunteers). This Code will help employees to understand the conduct expected and required as an employee and to appropriately manage circumstances where their duties overlap or conflict with their private lives. The Code forms a key part of the contract of employment with the school and the Council. A failure to observe the Code of Conduct may initially be dealt with informally through advice and instruction. If this does not lead to an acceptable standard of conduct, or if the matter is serious, it will be dealt with in accordance with the School Disciplinary Policy & Procedure.
2. This applies to:
All support staff and volunteers in schools that have implemented the Pay & Allowances Framework 2015. It also applies to agency workers and contractors who are working for, or on behalf of, the school or Council.
3. Roles & Responsibilities:
Employees must: Comply with the standards and requirements of the Code and seek advice from their headteacher if they are unsure what is expected in particular circumstances. Employees are also responsible for promptly reporting any breaches of the Code that they become aware of.
Headteachers and managers must: Ensure that all individuals working for or on behalf of the school are aware of their obligations under the Code and take appropriate action with the individual to resolve any conflicts of interest or deal with any breaches of the Code. Governing Body: The governing body has a statutory responsibility to determine the disciplinary rules that operate within the school.
4. Key Principles
Employees performing duties on behalf of the school:
Will perform their duties to the highest possible standards, with honesty, integrity and impartiality and will be accountable for their own actions. Have a duty of trust to the school and to the pupils of the school and their families. Are expected to treat others with respect, fairness and dignity at all times; and have a collective responsibility to communicate any concerns about breaches of the Code to member of the senior management team or to the Chair of Governors. In either an official capacity or in their private life, school employees will ensure that they behave in a way that is not seen as bringing the school or the council into disrepute. Employees are entitled to a private life but must take care that the duties of public service are not breached by activities or inappropriate conduct in their off-duty hours. 5. Policies, Procedures and Professional Codes of Practice Employees must comply with all reasonable management instructions, abide by legislation, statutory and other guidance, the policies and procedures of the school and operational practices as well as health and safety rules. They must also follow the protocols of any relevant professional bodies and the standards required of their particular profession. 6. Declaring Personal Interests and Outside Commitments Employees must declare: Any non-financial or financial interest that might conflict with the school or the Council’s interests or services Membership of any organisation that is not open to the public without formal membership and commitment of allegiance and which has secrecy about rules, membership, or conduct. Membership of other groups, clubs and societies, e.g. The Round Table and The Rotary, that an employee believes could be relevant to declare in particular circumstances.
Employees should immediately inform their headteacher of any other/additional work or employment they are considering undertaking. The headteacher will ensure the employee is made aware of any contractual restrictions on accepting any additional employment outside of the school, especially in circumstances that may conflict with the school’s or the council’s interests of the school/Council. Detailed requirements are set out in the Register of Outside Interests available on the youngsouthampton website. Where employees are in any doubt about whether any personal relationships, interests, or outside commitments should be declared in particular circumstances, they should either declare the information in any case, or else seek further advice from their headteacher. 7. Working Relationships All internal and external relationships with colleagues, service users and contractors will be conducted in a professional, and respectful way, with honesty and integrity. 8. IT Standards The school’s rules and guidelines on the use of IT and social media are intended to guide employees in the correct use of the IT facilities they need to do their jobs and to protect both the employee and the school’s information. All employees should ensure that they are familiar with the rules and guidelines. Breaches of these will constitute misconduct and may in some circumstances be regarded as gross misconduct. Actions amounting to criminal activity will be reported to the Police and will be regarded as gross misconduct. 9. Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Employees must inform the school of any criminal conviction or caution received, in a timely and appropriate way. Failure to do so may be regarded as gross misconduct under the Disciplinary Policy & Procedure. Appropriate checks will be made in line with DBS/ Children Act or Childcare Disqualification requirements and outcomes of these checks addressed accordingly. 10. Equality Employees will comply with school’s Equality Policy and guidance. Employees must not be involved in harassment or bullying of colleagues, other employees, workers, contractors, or job applicants. All colleagues and members of the local community have a right to be treated fairly and not to suffer from unlawful discrimination. 11. Information Security and Confidentiality Employees cannot use any information gained in the course of their employment for personal gain or pass it on to anyone else who might use it in this way.
The school and the Council are responsible for the lawful and secure handling and disclosure of personal data in relation to staff, pupils and their families, in carrying out their functions in line with data protection legislation. The school will therefore ensure that anyone engaged in managing and handling personal information understands that personal data must be treated as confidential and that they are contractually responsible for following good data protection practice. Information concerning another employee, pupil or pupil’s family must not be disclosed without prior approval except where the information must be provided by law. Employees may be criminally liable if they knowingly or recklessly disclose personal information in breach of data protection legislation. Any breach of this legislation, the school’s own information security rules, or the Council’s Information Governance policies, may be treated as a disciplinary matter. The school expects all employees who become aware of activities that they believe are illegal, improper, unethical or in any way inconsistent with the Code of Conduct, to report the matter in line with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 and the confidential reporting procedure called the Duty to Act Policy. Employees must ensure that public interest and assets are protected by reporting immediately any concerns about dishonesty or impropriety that they think has occurred or is likely to have occurred. Concerns or allegations which fall within the scope of specific procedures will normally be referred for consideration under those procedures. Employees should not make any public statements about their concerns until they have exhausted the correct internal procedures, unless such a disclosure is allowed for within the Duty to Act Policy. The school will take all allegations seriously however if an employee makes an allegation which is frivolous, malicious or for personal gain, the matter will be dealt with under the Disciplinary Policy & Procedure. 12. Duty to Act (Whistle blowing)
Refer to the Whistleblowing Policy “Duty to Act” on Young Southampton, Schools HR for further information.
13. Gifts, Hospitality, Sponsorship or Endorsements It is a criminal offence for School or Council workers to receive any gift, loan, fee, reward or advantage for doing, or not doing anything, or showing favour, or disfavour, to any person in their official capacity. Council employees should exercise caution concerning the acceptance of gifts or hospitality from external suppliers and contractors and any involvement in sponsorship events, or endorsement of a product or service, where there may be a conflict of interest. The receipt of minor articles, for example diaries and calendars will not be regarded as the acceptance of a gift, although employees should not accept significant personal gifts from contractors and outside suppliers. Offers of hospitality and invitations should be accepted only if there is a genuine need to impart information or represent the local authority. The Council requires all gifts and hospitality offered with a value of £50 or more to be properly recorded on the Gifts and Hospitality Register. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken under the Disciplinary Policy & Procedure. Employees should refer to the “Gift & Hospitality Declaration Procedure” available on the youngsouthampton website and must seek further advice from their headteacher or HR provider if in any doubt about their duties regarding gifts and hospitality. 14. Alcohol and Drugs Employees must not drink alcohol, use illegal drugs or any other substances whilst at work. Employees must also ensure that the use of alcohol or drugs outside of work does not adversely affect their performance or safety at work or the safety of others and must not bring the school or the Council into disrepute. Employees who are taking legally prescribed or over-the-counter medication (long- term or short-term) that may affect or impair them, must discuss this urgently with their line manager. The manager/headteacher will consider how to appropriately manage this, what support the employee may need and any health and safety adjustments required. If a headteacher reasonably believes that an employee, contractor or agency worker is attempting to carry out their duties while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (either prescription drugs or illegal drugs); the employee must be sent home immediately but will continue to be paid. The headteacher must then raise the issue with the employee under the Disciplinary Policy & Procedure or consider ending the contract of the contractor or agency worker. 15. Use of School Facilities Employees must use any equipment or facilities provided by the school for use in carrying out their work, in a proper and responsible manner. Any inappropriate use of equipment or facilities will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter.
16. Copyright All records, documents and other papers that relate to the school and/or Council’s business and which are made or obtained by employees in the course of their work are the property of the school/Council. The copyright on all such original records, documents, papers (including copies and summaries of these) belong to the school/Council. 17. Links to related topics
Disciplinary Policy & Procedure Dismissal Policy Duty to Act (Whistleblowing) Policy
Register of Employee’s Outside Interests Gift & Hospitality Declaration Procedure Standards, policies and guidance on the use of ICT 18. Review
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure that it complies with current employment legislation and the requirements of the school/Council. Any future amendments to this policy will be consulted upon and negotiated with the recognised trade unions.
Regents Park Community College
Single Equality Policy
Single Equalities Policy (Equality, Diversity, Community Cohesion) This policy takes into consideration our duties under the following Acts / former Acts: Race Relations Act 1976 as amended by the race Relations Act 2000 Every Child Matters Green Paper 2003 Disability Discriminations Acts 1995 and 2005 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 as amended by the Equality Act 2006 Education and Inspections Act 2006 – our duty to promote community cohesion Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty (PESD) This policy should be read in conjunction with other school policies and guidelines that set out how the school will aim to remove barriers to learning for students either as individuals or groups / cohorts. Background information The Equality Act 2010 introduced a single Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This applies to all public sector bodies including schools and academies. The Act extends the equality duties to all the following protected groups: Race Disability Sex Gender reassignment (It is unlawful to discriminate against a transsexual student) Age (as a school only with regard to our role as an employer – not in relation to students) Religion or belief Sexual orientation Pregnancy and maternity (It is unlawful to discriminate against a student who is pregnant / had a baby) The three main elements of the duty mean schools must have ‘due regard’ to the need to: Eliminate discrimination Advance equality of opportunity Foster good relations across all protected groups The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) has to be integrated into the carrying out of school functions and the analysis necessary to comply with the duty has to be 1. Publish information to demonstrate how the school is complying with the PSED. This information must include, in particular, information relating to people who share a ‘protected characteristic’. 2. Prepare and publish equality objectives. Guiding Principles These guiding principles apply to all members of our school community Whether or not they are disabled Whatever their ethnicity, culture, religious affiliation (or none), national origin or national status carried out seriously, rigorously and with an open mind. Specific duties under Public Sector Equality Duty
Whichever their gender (including gender reassignment) or sexual orientation Whether or not they are pregnant women or new mothers Principle 1: All learners are of equal value We see all learners and potential learners as of equal value and will endeavour to ensure their learning needs are met through an increasingly personalised curriculum. Principle 2: We recognise and respect diversity Treating people equally does not necessarily involve treating them all the same. Our policies, procedures and activities must not discriminate, but are appropriately differentiated to take into account the differences of life-experiences, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barriers and disadvantage which people may face. Principle 3: We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging Our policies, procedures, ethos and curriculum, both formal and extra-curricular, aim to promote and develop positive attitudes between staff, student, parents, our local community and increasingly our national and global communities. Principle 4: Our staff recruitment, retention and development policies will be non-discriminatory We take seriously our responsibility to ensure our policies and procedures are non- discriminatory and give equal opportunities to all members or potential members of staff. Principle 5: We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist. In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts, we actively seek to implement strategies to enable all members of our community to make the most of their learning and personal / professional development. Principle 6: We consult widely We recognise the importance of listening to the views of our staff, students and parents and actively seek their opinions through staff/ student voice activities and the use of more formal consultations. Principle 7: Society as a whole should benefit We intend that our policies and activities should benefit society as a whole, locally, nationally and internationally, by fostering greater social cohesion and by encouraging all members of the school community to make a positive contribution to community life. Action We recognise that a policy is only of use if it results in positive action. Each year the School Development Plan (SDP) is reviewed and specific actions agreed to implement or develop school policies and procedures, including those relating to our duties set out in the Equalities Act 2010 which requires the school to publish at least one equality objective, updated annually. Specifically, we ensure that the seven guiding principles listed above are applied to both the formal and informal curriculum, and in particular with: learners' progress, attainment and assessment learners' personal development, welfare and well-being teaching styles and strategies
admissions and attendance staff recruitment, retention and professional development care, guidance and support behaviour, discipline and exclusions working in partnership with parents, carers and guardians working with the wider community accessibility to the school site and curriculum Addressing prejudice and prejudice-related bullying
The school is opposed to all forms of prejudice and bullying and there is guidance in the staff Behaviour Management Handbook on how such incidents should be dealt with. Incidents of bullying and racism are reported to the School and Community Governing Body on a termly basis and the school complies with their duties to report racial incidents to the Local Authority. The school’s policy on bullying is given to parents when their children join the school and can be found on the school website. Issues relating to prejudice, diversity and bullying are considered within the school programme for Personal and Social Education. Roles and responsibilities The governing body is responsible for ensuring that the school complies with legislation, and that this policy and its related procedures and strategies are implemented. A member of the governing body has a watching brief regarding the implementation of this policy. The Headteacher is responsible for implementing the policy; for ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and are given appropriate training and support; and for taking appropriate action in any cases of unlawful discrimination. All staff are expected to: Promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classroom Deal with any prejudice or bullying that may occur according to school guidelines Identify and challenge bias and stereotyping in the curriculum Support students in the class for whom English is an additional language Keep up to date with the law on discrimination and take up training and learning opportunities The policy is available to staff, parents and governors on the school web site Religious observance We respect the religious beliefs and practice of all staff, pupils and parents, and comply with reasonable requests relating to religious observance and practice. Staff development and training We ensure that all staff, including support and administrative staff, receive appropriate training and opportunities for professional development, both as individuals and as groups or teams. Monitoring and evaluation 1. We collect, study and use quantitative and qualitative data relating to the implementation of this policy, and make adjustments as appropriate. 2. In particular we collect, analyse and use data relation to achievement, broken down as appropriate according to disabilities and special educational needs;
ethnicity, culture, language, religious affiliation, national origin and national status; and gender and any other protected group. 3. To review good practice we make use of a range of auditing schedules. 4. To meet the requirements of the Equalities Act 2010 we publish information and data required by the Equalities Act 2010 within the school’s Self Evaluation Framework (SEF) and specific objectives within the School Development Plan. School objectives that relate to our Public Sector Equality Duty will be published on the school website.
General Responsibilities of Staff Members All staff at Regents Park Community College are expected to act together as a cohesive team in order to implement our ethos of working supportively together for the education and well-being of our students. For this reason, all staff including Leadership Team members, teaching and support staff have common requirements in their jobs. Obviously, each staff member will implement these general requirements with relevance to their own areas of responsibility.
To support and implement the aims and ethos of the school To actively support the implementation of the school development/improvement plans
To ensure that all staff work towards high standard teaching and learning To actively maintain order and discipline in the school as well as reward good conduct To ensure the implementation of all school policies To ensure the implementation of all health and safety policies To maintain practices which ensure the highest standards of care and support for students and colleagues To attend and actively engage in meetings, as and when required, according to one’s level of responsibility To ensure that the school is represented at any pertinent out of school meetings Secure and maintain an attractive, orderly environment in the classroom, office areas and the school in general To undertake all duties to the standards set by the whole school community To welcome visitors to the school To liaise with parents and community partners, as appropriate To attend in-service training and development courses, as appropriate
To support changes to the work of the school which will enhance its functioning in order to achieve high standards of teaching and learning for all students To implement the most recent conditions of service set by the DfE and GB To undertake such activities as can be reasonably expected by the Headteacher and/or her designated officer
Regents Park Community College
Whistleblowing Policy
Policy updated: Policy ratified at Governors Meeting: 16.10.19 Policy signed by Chair of Governors: Mr Marcus Warder Policy to be reviewed:
Southampton City Council, Whistleblowing (Duty to Act) Policy
Southampton City Council Whistleblowing (Duty to Act) Policy
Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................ 2 Legislative Context .................................................................................................................... 2 Our Assurances to You.............................................................................................................. 2 How We Will Handle the Matter ................................................................................................. 3 How to Raise a Concern Internally............................................................................................. 3 Independent Advice ................................................................................................................... 4 External Contacts ...................................................................................................................... 4 If you are Dissatisfied ................................................................................................................ 5
Whistleblowing (Duty to Act) Policy Version 2.1
Approved by Approval date Review date Effective date
Governance Committee
Date last amended 19/07/2019
Lead officer Contact
Elizabeth Goodwin, Chief Internal Auditor
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Southampton City Council, Whistleblowing (Duty to Act) Policy
Introduction 1. Whistleblowing is a way for employees of an organisation to raise reasonably and honestly held concerns they may have about serious matters that could put the council and/or the wider public at risk. Whistleblowing usually involves bringing forward concerns that is in the public interest to investigate and resolve. Examples are crime, fraud, the giving or taking of bribes, financial malpractice, or practices that might endanger individuals or the environment. The aim of this policy is to outline what you can do if you believe you need to raise an issue of this nature, and how you will be protected if you do. 2. All of us at one time or another has concerns about what is happening at work. Usually these concerns are easily resolved. However, when they are about unlawful conduct, illegality, financial malpractice, endangering an individual’s health or safety, or dangers to the public (including care users and clients), employees, pupils or the environment, it can be difficult to know what to do. 3. You may be worried about raising such issues or may want to keep the concerns to yourself, perhaps feeling it’s none of your business or that it’s only a suspicion. You may feel that raising the matter would be disloyal to colleagues, managers or to the organisation. You may decide to say something but find that you have spoken to the wrong person or raised the issue in the wrong way and are not sure what to do next. 4. Southampton City Council has introduced this policy, which reflects the legal framework and the legal obligations placed upon the council, to enable you to raise your concerns about such malpractice at an early stage and in the right way. We would rather that you raised the matter when it is just a concern rather than wait for proof. 5. If something is troubling you which you think we should know about or look into, please use this policy. If, however, you are aggrieved about your personal position, please use the Resolution of Grievances Policy - which you can get from your manager, HR Pay / Human Resources, your trade union or from the council’s Intranet site. This Whistleblowing Policy is primarily for concerns where the interests of others or of the organisation itself are at risk. If in doubt – raise it! Legislative Context 6. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 provides legal protection, in certain circumstances, to workers making disclosures about malpractice. The Act makes it unlawful for the council to dismiss anyone or allow them to be victimised on the basis that they have made an appropriate lawful disclosure in accordance with the Act. Our Assurances to You 7. If you raise a genuine concern under this policy, you will not be at risk of losing your job or suffering any form of retribution as a result. Provided you reasonably believe what you are reporting is true, and that the disclosure is in the public interest, it does not matter if you are mistaken. Of course, we do not extend this assurance to someone who maliciously raises a matter they know is untrue. In that case, disciplinary action may be taken against you. 8. We will not tolerate the harassment or victimisation of anyone raising a genuine concern. Taking reprisals against an employee who has raised a concern in good faith is unacceptable, and may
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Southampton City Council, Whistleblowing (Duty to Act) Policy
give rise to disciplinary proceedings. If you have raised a concern and feel at any stage subsequently that you are suffering as a result of doing so, please let the Service Director: Legal & Governance know so that appropriate action can be taken. 9. However, we recognise that you may nonetheless want to raise a concern in confidence under this policy. If you ask us to protect your identity by keeping your confidence, we will not disclose it without your consent. If the situation arises where we are not able to resolve the concern without revealing your identity (for instance because your evidence is needed in court), we will discuss with you whether and how we can proceed. 10. Remember that if you do not tell us who you are, it will be much more difficult for us to look into the matter or to protect your position or to give you feedback. Accordingly, while we will consider anonymous reports, this policy is not well suited to concerns raised anonymously. How We Will Handle the Matter 11. Once you have told us of your concern, we will look into it to assess initially what action should be taken. This may involve an internal inquiry or a more formal investigation. We will tell you who is handling the matter, how you can contact them and whether your further assistance may be needed. If you request it, we will write to you summarising your concern and setting out how we propose to handle it. 12. When you raise the concern you may be asked how you think the matter might best be resolved. If you do have any personal interest in the matter, we do ask that you tell us at the outset. If your concern falls more properly within the Resolution of Grievances Policy we will tell you. 13. While the purpose of this policy is to enable us to investigate possible malpractice and take appropriate steps to deal with it, we will give you as much feedback as we properly can. If requested, we will confirm our response to you in writing. Please note, however, that we may not be able to tell you the precise action we take where this would infringe a duty of confidence owed by us to someone else. How to Raise a Concern Internally 14. Step one: If Officers (or staff in schools) have a concern about malpractice, wherever possible please raise it with your manager first. This may be done orally or in writing. For Members, we hope you will feel able to raise it first with the relevant Service Director. This may be done orally or in writing. 15. Step two: If Officers (or staff in schools) feel unable to raise the matter with their manager, for whatever reason, please raise the matter with the appropriate Service Director or Headteacher. Please say if you want to raise the matter in confidence so that they can make appropriate arrangements. If you feel unable to raise the matter with the relevant Service Director or Head teacher, for whatever reason, please raise the matter with the appropriate Senior Director. Members should also raise the matter with the appropriate Senior Director if they feel unable to refer to the relevant Service Director, for whatever reason.
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16. Step three: For officers (or staff in schools) and Members, if these channels have been followed and you still have concerns, or the above are not appropriate to you (for example, you are a contractor or consultant) or if you feel that the matter is so serious that you cannot discuss it with any of the above, please contact: Richard Ivory Service Director Legal & Governance Telephone: 023 8083 2794 Email: richard.ivory@southampton.gov.uk John Harrison Chief Financial Officer Finance & Commercialisation Telephone: 023 8083 4897 Email: john.harrison@southampton.gov.uk Elizabeth Goodwin Chief Internal Auditor Internal Audit Telephone: 023 8083 4616 Email: elizabeth.goodwin@southampton.gov.uk Any member of school staff or of a school's governing body nominated by the governing body as a contact. 17. Step four: For officers (or staff in schools) and Members, if for whatever reason, you feel uncomfortable in reporting your concerns direct to the named officers above then there is a facility to submit a report via email to the following generic in-box: Duty.to.act@southampton.gov.uk Independent Advice 18. If you are unsure whether to use this policy or you want independent advice at any stage, you may contact: if applicable, your union; or your professional body (e.g. British Association of Social Workers, National College for Teaching and Leadership etc); or the independent charity Protect on 020 3117 2520 or www.protect-advice.org.uk Their lawyers can give you free confidential advice at any stage about how to raise a concern about serious malpractice at work. External Contacts 19. While we hope this policy gives you the reassurance you need to raise such matters internally, we recognise that there may be circumstances where you can properly report matters to outside bodies, such as regulators or the police. Protect (or, if applicable, your union) will be able to advise you on such an option and on the circumstances in which you may be able to contact an outside body safely. 20. If you choose not to raise the matter internally, we would rather you raised the matter with the appropriate “regulator” than not at all. Provided you reasonably believe what you are reporting is true, that it is in the public interest and you have evidence to back up your concern, you can also contact certain external bodies. However, not all disclosures to external bodies or individuals benefit from the protection set out in this policy. Raising a matter with a third party who you reasonably believe is responsible for the wrongdoing, or a legal adviser, or a person prescribed by Parliament (such as HMRC, the Health and Safety Executive, Office of Fair Trading) will still be protected. Any further disclosure will only be protected if you reasonably believe that your concern is substantially true, you are not acting for any gain, and it is so serious that you could not disclose it to the council or one of the prescribed bodies first.
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If you are Dissatisfied 21. If you are unhappy with our response, remember you can go to the other levels and bodies detailed in this Policy. 22. While we cannot guarantee that we will respond to all matters in the way that you might wish, we will handle the matter fairly and properly. By using this policy, you will help us to achieve this
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